Gurbani Meditation – Mantra to Remove Loneliness | Ang Sang WaheGuru Simran | Chanting

What this Mantra means is that the creator of this universe, he himself is with us, holding our hands and guiding us in our every step and leading us from darkness to light. He resides in each and every cell of our being, and we are not separate from him, we are a part of his beautiful creation. ‘Ang Sang’ means always around me, always there along with me, ‘Waheguru’ the one who leads us from ‘Gu’ – darkness to ‘Ru’ – the light. He is always with us, and we are not alone. So, don’t worry, don’t fear anything, don’t feel that emptiness in your heart, if you look deeply, and meditate and understand he is there for you, has been always there for you, and will always be, You just have to look inside and you will find him in every cell. filling every cell with the light, filling every cell with love, filling you with love. ..

Source: Meditative Mind

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